Interface SerialOptions

Options for device serialPort. SerialOptions

Note: According to the documentation of the Web Serial API, 'baudRate' is a 'required' field as part of serial options. However, we are currently maintaining 'baudRate' as a separate parameter outside the options dictionary, and it is effectively used in the code. For now, we are keeping it optional in the dictionary to avoid conflicts.


  • SerialOptions


baudRate?: number

A positive, non-zero value indicating the baud rate at which serial communication should be established.

bufferSize?: number

A positive, non-zero value indicating the size of the read and write buffers that should be created.

dataBits?: number

The number of data bits per frame. Either 7 or 8.

flowControl?: FlowControlType

The flow control mode: none or hardware.

parity?: ParityType

The parity mode: none, even or odd

stopBits?: number

The number of stop bits at the end of a frame. Either 1 or 2.

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